The Mi-Go AKA Outer Ones AKA The Fungi from Yuggoth. They come from a grand Mi-Go Empire from beyond the Einsteinian Space-Time Continuum. Their major outpost in this region is Yuggoth. Mi-Go have bodies that range in color between pink and orange, and have the overall shape of something between a crustacean and a fungus. They are the size of a man with a convoluted ellipsoid composed of pyramided, fleshy rings and covered in antennae where a head would be. These nodules are used to communicate via emitting various kinds of light and sound outside the normal human preservable range. They have between four and eight paired limbs and a set of membranous wings which are capable of displacing luminiferous aether which make them adept at traveling through space but the air on earth is too dense for them to function properly. They are composed of matter found nowhere in this galaxy, and occupy the world in a quasi-dimensional way inconceivable to the local species. They are highly resistant to extreme heat, cold, and radiation but still react poorly to prolonged direct exposure to the sun.
They say the Mi-Go Empire's collected knowledge of Biology is “Complete”, however this by no means deters them from “Experimentation” on other species which has become an integral part of their culture and is now really seen as something more akin to an aesthetic activity. Their most famous piece of biotechnology are Brain Cases which allows the brain of the subject to be kept alive indefinitely, survive the hazards of space travel, and still communicate. This, and most of their other technology (Lightning Guns, Mist Projectors, etc) are made of a metal called “lagh” they brought with them from beyond the stars. They also commonly brew a beverage fermented from designer bacteria, but on earth various sea life can be substituted to create “Lobster Hooch” which in addition to the Mi-Go finding pleasing it also produces madness and extreme resistance to cold among humans.
Mi-Go primarily maintain a presence on Earth in their vast mining operations (But also find the human genetic code to be particularly amusing). They seek out a mineral known locally as “Blue John” and attempt to mine as much as possible without human interference. They do a good job of hiding their presence, killing, captures, or driving mad those isolated humans who discover them. The major exception is the Cult of Hastur (“He Who Shall Not Be Named” to those that fear him) who wish for the destruction of all Mi-Go kind. In addition some various conspiracy theorists have tried to tell others of Mi-Go kind but have been categorically ignored.
In addition to the endeavors the Mi-Go attempt to keep completely hidden they also keep up a number of fronts when having indirect contact with the populous proves useful. They own the “MeeGo” Software company for it's involvement with medical technology, and own (in addition to being the major R&D contributors to) the 3M Corporation, it's name of course a tribute to the three Mi-Go that founded it. Though many believe they are devout followers of Shub-Niggurath (“The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young”), the Mi-Go in fact invented this elder god from whole cloth, and primarily use it when they need slave-like human to perform a task, or just to take part in the experiment in which they grand the most dedicated believers a satyr-like body and limitless lifespans. The Yeti of Nepal are, in fact, very poorly communicated encounters with them, as the reports all describe a creature that looks dramatically different from any Mi-Go. Finally the so-called “Grey” Aliens are a bio-mechanical construction of Mi-Go make which can be controlled telepathically by some members, and are used to divert attention from themselves, perform experiments when they cannot be physically present, and evaluate situations by recording human-(faux)extraterrestrial interactions without giving themselves away.
The Mi-Go were once part of the same race now known as The Great Race of Yith, but eons ago the two groups split in a way that might be understood as differing on the importance of biology vs physics. So the Great Race halted biological research, now still looking like cones with tentacles, and continued research into physics, notably learning the secrets of faster-than-light space travel and time travel. Meanwhile the Mi-Go have modified their own genetic structure so much that no single gene in still in common with the Great Race numerous times over. They have unlocked the secrets of immortality, super-effect metabolisms, and can even change their own genetic code through force of will. For these reasons the Mi-Go consider advanced topics of physics (even some known by Humans) to be taboo or at the very least, distasteful.
Mi-Go revere Yogsothoth and Nyarlathotep (Specifically the Haunter in the Dark form) as divine figures while at the same time being at war with them. Though this state of affairs may seem bizarre to outsiders it is perfectly natural to the groups involved. They also hold sacred various gene strands and a series of odd geometric patterns found on Yuggoth's moon. Every Mi-Go can recognize these symbols on sight and find it highly offensive for any duplication to be made, especially by non-Mi-Go.
Mi-Go society is divided up into four castes: Scientists, Soldiers, Workers, and Priest. Scientists specialize in Biology, Genetics, Surgery, Medicine, etc. Soldiers are either trained in the Lightning Gun, Mist Gun, or fight with enlarged nippers in a kind of Mi-Go martial arts. Workers generally have many of their standard body parts omitted if they are not relevant to the task at hand. For example miners are often wingless and have fewer limbs. With their low resource consumption and indefinite lifespans a single Mi-Go could be placed in charge of a task spanning millennia. Priests have a limited leadership role within their society, and also take up reverence of of the sacred sigils, the Outer Gods, magic, and occasionally have the responsibility to handle taboo knowledge when knowing it proves necessary.
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